17TR Bicycle Ceramic Bearing Carbon fiber Jockey pulley Wheel Set Rear Derailleurs Guide Wheel
Produkt Omskriuwing
* 17T grut grutte gids tsjil set systeem
*17T pulleys or16T pulleys
* Slaat 60% ketting wriuwing ferset yn ferliking mei 11T gids tsjillen "
* Ceramic bearing ferzje besparret mear as 2,4 Watt fan gemiddeld macht yn ferliking mei de oarspronklike ferskoot systeem
* Folsleine carbon fibre cage
* Folsleine 7075 aluminium alloy CNC cutting lichtgewicht gids tsjil en shaft pin
*Color: Anode red, enamel, blue, gold, green
*17TR is suitable for Shimano 6700/6770/6800/6870/9000/9070 Ultegra/DURA ACE
* Ceramic Bearing Ferzje Stainless Steel Hybrid Bearing Ferzje Steel Bearing Version
* Gewicht: 61.4g
* Hy keramische Bearing ferzje is 1,2 gram lichter as de stielen Bearing ferzje
*Shifting speed increased by 20%-26% for Shimano systems.
*Support up to 11-28 cassettes, compatible with 11-30 and 11-34 with the help of an RD extender.
This is the fastest RD pulley system.
17TS & 17TR installation tips:
1, due to increased offset by the oversized pulley system, please make sure your RD and frame are aligned and calibrated correctly.
2, please check the length of your chain. Here is how to calculate, chain should be 10-20mm longer than the RD at 0 tension (shown as the picture below) when rests on the smallest chainring and smallest cog.
3, to lower the requirements for chain length and RD/frame alignment, we introduce the new 16T pulley system, 17TS and 17TR. Compare with 17T, the power saving would be lowered by about 0.2 watts but increasing chain stability and shifting speed.
Wêrom ferfange derailleur pulley tsjil
Foarste plak, poreuze maitiid posysje limyt koe oanpasse wer spanning foar in grut part, ferbetterje de swakkens fan oarspronklike swak stretch, en meitsje de op en del chain spanning tusken gids tsjil en Cogs folle mear adekwaat.
Twads, de kontaktpersoan tooth nûmer of control tooth nûmer tusken keten en Cogs fan skout derailleur 17T is mear ûnder gear it ferskowen, dat krekt graach pinch it midden en twa kanten fan guon stokken, it grutter de kontrôle lever, it sterker de kontrôle macht.
As lêste, neidat werynrjochting fan de koai fan rotaasje kromme, de ôfstân tusken de boppeste gids tsjil en de Cogs wurdt ferbettere.
ynstallaasje stappen
1. Rear derailleur ferrotting, ferwiderje de oarspronklike pulley tsjil cage, lykas werjûn yn de figuer (oarspronklike pulley tsjil cage is fuortsmiten, removal metoade graach ferwize te efterheljen No.20)
2. Befêstigje it aluminium alloy ring oare kant oerflak.
3. De wichtichste bolt pakking.
4. Ynstallearje it nylon washer oan 'e efterste derailleur.
5. Oankeppelje de wichtichste bolt pakking yn 'e bolt, en jilde vet.
6. Nim it 17T koalstof glêstried pulley tsjil cage, brûk No. 2 seiskante wrench ferwiderje alloy screw út op 'e rêch fan' e pulley tsjil koai.
7. fuortsmite boppeste pulley tsjil.
8. Nei it fuortsmiten fan de boppeste pulley tsjil, ynstallearje it sintrum skoattels op 'e rêch.
9. Foardat ynstallaasje de wichtichste bolt, de bolt moatte wurde folslein smeerde.
10. Push de wichtichste bolt folslein yn 'e basis fan' e pulley tsjil koai.
11. Befêstigje de legearing ring Groove oerflak yn 'e wichtichste bolt, en groove oerflak hat smeerde.
12. Befêstigje de legearing ring fleantúch nei bûten, en de legearing ring hat smeerde.
13. Befêstigje de maitiid mounting gat yn it efterste derailleur.
14. De maitiid pin alignment spring mounting gat yn 'e efterste derailleur.
15. Befêstigje de maitiid pin yn 'e basis fan' e maitiid posysjonearring gat.
16. Ynstallearje it maitiid.
17. ôfstimd de maitiid pin mei it gat op 'e pulley tsjil koai
18. Marked yn 1 oant 4 is spanning oanpassing gat, de standert inisjele mounting is gat 2. (spanning: 4> 3> 2> 1)
19. De pulley tsjil cage folslein yndrukt yn 'e efterste derailleur. Befêstigje de wichtichste bolt alignment.
20. No. 4 seiskante wrench flink de wichtichste bolt nei 4N.m.
21. Reset de boppeste gids tsjil, ynfoegje de boppeste pulley skoattels, mar net oanskerpe.
22. roteren de pulley tsjil koai oan efterste derailleur keatsen limyt blok, druk op de topupper pulley tsjil bout út, blokkearjende de grins blok.
23. flink de boppeste pulley tsjil bout.
24. De ynstallaasje ree is.
According to test result, increase the rear derailleur pulley wheel size could significantly decrease the friction between the chain plates caused by polygon effects during chain bending, and reduce the resistance for saving rider’s cycling power.
The chain is composed of several short pieces with an inch long, we could see the chain as one inch long with around one hundred and ten section lines, due to small diameter of turning circle, when the lines pass through standard 11T pulley wheel, it needs a certain angle to turn the transferring direction of chain for about 180° through two wheels, after increasing the pulley wheel size, the chain turning angle are decreased, so the loss of friction is less correspondingly. The results shows that 17T is a good balance point between weight and decreasing the polygon effects, To increase the size blindly will lead to arc decreasing not obvious, together with weight and volume adding. Compared with common 11T pulley wheel, the friction loss caused by polygon effects of chain could be decreased about 60%.
Besides, under the same transferring speed of chain, the axis rotation speed of 17T is slower for saving the self friction loss during bearing rotation, smaller cycle could also reduce the resistance of each turn rotation. To upgrade this ceramic bearing saves more power loss.
Faster gear shifts. firstly, porous spring position limit could adjust back tension largely, improve the weakness of original weak stretch, and make the up and down chain tension between guide wheel and cogs much more adequately.
Twads, de kontaktpersoan tooth nûmer of control tooth nûmer tusken keten en Cogs fan skout derailleur 17T is mear ûnder gear it ferskowen, dat krekt graach pinch it midden en twa kanten fan guon stokken, it grutter de kontrôle lever, it sterker de kontrôle macht.
As lêste, neidat werynrjochting fan de koai fan rotaasje kromme, de ôfstân tusken de boppeste gids tsjil en de Cogs wurdt ferbettere.
And we should also tell customer that the compatibility of 11-28T cogs, the length of chain is within the range of 405-410mm standard road bike chain stay, suggest using more than 114 links, but not too short chain, or it might lead to too large back tension and enlarge the tooth tip resistance between chain and pulley wheels. (In case customer just has short chain, suggesting install it to lowest tension of spring mounting hole).
It can faster SHIMANO system up and down gear to improve 20%-26%. save 2.4 watts more.