Rothar Pedal Alloy Mountain Anti-duillín Bóthar Rothar pedals Ultralight Outdoor Sports Mountain Custom Bike pedals
Cur síos ar an Táirge
* Príomh comhlacht: cóimhiotal maignéisiam CNC meaisínithe
* Seafta: chrome seafta cruach moluibdín, seafta cóimhiotal tíotáiniam
* Bearing: séalaithe 3 imthacaí
* Cóireáil dromchla: vearnais stoving bán, liath, dubh
*Weight: 220g (titanium alloy shaft), 270g (chromium molybdenum steel shaft)
*Antiskid bolt AL6061 CNC bolt, color customizable as per client request.
*Magnesium alloy section bar is lighter, more flexible, with better shock absorption, yet 5 times stronger than aluminum alloy assuming the same weight, which solve the problem of lack in strength of magnesium alloy 3D forge.
*Rarely does a company manufactures pedal from magnesium alloy section bars, we are one of them.
Buaicphointí dearadh
*High Strength: High quality magnesium alloy, high strength and good durability
* Meáchan Solas: Cúramach tógtha lightweight, taithí pedaling compordach agus lubrication maith.
* Dearadh struchtúr tairiscint Meicniúil: Dearadh i gcomhréir leis an tuiscint ar ghluaiseacht agus eirgeanamaíocht, a thabhairt duit le taithí marcaíocht fearr.