Bicycle components bicycle parts mountain bike pedals
bathar Tuairisgeul
*Main body: aluminum alloy CNC machining
* Axis: TITANIUM alloy / chrome molybdenum stàilinn
* Weight: 220g -292g / Paidhir
* Palin: 3
* Size: 100 * 95 * 17mm
* Color: anode dearg, cruan, gorm, òr, TITANIUM.
*Antiskid bolt AL6061 CNC bolt, color customizable as per client request.
Dealbhadh Highlights
*High Strength: High quality magnesium alloy, high strength and good durability
* Sgòthan Weight: an togail gu cùramach aotrom, cofhurtail a 'stampadh an eòlas agus deagh lubrication.
* Mechanical gluasad structar dealbhadh: Dealbhaich a rèir a 'mothachadh gluasad agus ergonomics, a' toirt thu nas fheàrr a marcachd san dòigh.
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