CNC Machined chùlaibh derailleur pulley Jockey cuibhle airson chùlaibh derailleur
bathar Tuairisgeul
* 12T cumhang-farsaing fiacail-iùil cuibhle cuideam: 11.4g
* Material: AL7075-T6 almain alloy CNC machining
* Stàladh size: 6MM / 5MM / 4MM
*outside diameter 50.3mm
* Color: Anode dearg, cruan, gorm, òr, TITANIUM
* Giùlan: stàilinn ball / coille / ceramic Palin
* Iarrtas farsaingeachd: All gnàthach craoladh
* Tha an stuth seo air a dhèanamh de AL7075-T6 timcheall bar CNC. Tha e deiseil leis diamond sgian agus tha mar dhaoimean-meatailt inneach. Tha coltas a 'bhathar tha sàr-mhath. Gabhail a-steach Japanese stàilinn ball lìnigeadh, an cuairteachadh a tha gun cur an aghaidh, a ìsleachadh gu mòr na frictional aghaidh agus a 'leasachadh a' marcachd èifeachdais.
Optimized narrow-wide tooth design, increasing shifting speed, decreasing friction resistance, enhancing chain stability, suppressing shifting noise.
if you hear shifting noise from a narrow-wide tooth pulley louder than that from a normal tooth pulley, it’s most likely caused by poor design of tooth angle or poor process. Just remember, noise is not good, the lower the noise the better.