Cùl Derailleurs Rothair Pulley cuibhle ceramic buaidh Jockey cuibhle
bathar Tuairisgeul
* 14T cumhang-farsaing fiacail-iùil cuibhle cuideam: 12g
* Material: AL7075-T6 almain alloy CNC machining
* Installation size: 6MM / 5MM / 4MM
*outside diameter 57.5mm
* Color: Anode dearg, cruan, gorm, òr, TITANIUM
* Giùlan: stàilinn ball / dà-chonnaidh buaidh ceramic / ceramic buaidh
* Farsaingeachd iarrtas: airson ìsle iùl cuibhle na ginealaich, cuiribh a 'cleachdadh an 12T cumhang-farsaing fiacail-iùil chuibhle seo le pulley.
* Tha an stuth seo air a dhèanamh de AL7075-T6 timcheall bar CNC. Tha e deiseil leis diamond sgian, a tha mar dhaoimean-meatailt inneach, agus coltas na th 'resistant gu suathadh Clàr-ìnnse. A h-uile math. Gabhail a-steach Japanese stàilinn ball lìnigeadh, an cuairteachadh a tha gun cur an aghaidh, a ìsleachadh gu mòr na frictional aghaidh agus a 'leasachadh a' marcachd èifeachdais.
Optimized narrow-wide tooth design, increasing shifting speed, decreasing friction resistance, enhancing chain stability, suppressing shifting noise.
if you hear shifting noise from a narrow-wide tooth pulley louder than that from a normal tooth pulley, it’s most likely caused by poor design of tooth angle or poor process. Just remember, noise is not good, the lower the noise the better.
If your chain is rubbing against your cage after installing larger pulleys, just remove or re-shape the cage, shown as below.