Rear wheel Derailleurs Bicycle Pulley Hilgirtina seramîk wheel jockey
description Product
* Weight 14T teng-wide rêberê diran wheel: 12g
* Material: alloy AL7075-T6 bafûn bęşidandin CNC
* Size Installation: 6MM / 5mm / 4MM
*outside diameter 57.5mm
* Color: Anode sor, ronê, şîn, zêr, titanium
* Bearing: ball pola / hybrid seramîk Hilgirtina / Bearing seramîk
* Berfirehiya ji sepanê: Ji bo rêber wheel kêmtir ji nifşekî derbasî, ji kerema xwe ve bi kar rêberê diran teng-wide wheel 12T bi vê şûşekişî.
* Ev berhema ku ji AL7075-T6 bar dora CNC kir. Ev bi kêr diamond qedand, heye nîgarê metal-diamond wek, û xuyabûna vê berhemê ji bo index ciddî yên li hemberî e. Hemû baş. Pesindkirina Japanese derhanîn çermê ball polayê de, rotation has no berxwedan, ku gelek berxwedana frictional kêm dike û ji bo pêşvebirna berevpêşbirina riding de.
Optimized narrow-wide tooth design, increasing shifting speed, decreasing friction resistance, enhancing chain stability, suppressing shifting noise.
if you hear shifting noise from a narrow-wide tooth pulley louder than that from a normal tooth pulley, it’s most likely caused by poor design of tooth angle or poor process. Just remember, noise is not good, the lower the noise the better.
If your chain is rubbing against your cage after installing larger pulleys, just remove or re-shape the cage, shown as below.