17TSE Oversized pulley wheel System manufacturers and suppliers | Kactus

17TSE Sistema rota taljola eċċessiv

Deskrizzjoni fil-qosor:

Bicycle Parts Bike Jockey Carbon Fiber Wheel 17TSE Bicycle Rear Derailleur Pulleys Product description *12/17T super large size guide wheel set system *Saves 45% chain friction resistance compared to 11T guide wheels” *Ceramic bearing version saves more than 2.2 watts of average power compared to the original transmission system *Full carbon fiber cage *Full 7075 aluminum alloy CNC cutting lightweight guide wheel and TC4 titanium alloy spindle *Color: Anode red, enamel, blue, gold, gre...

  • FOB Prezz: Istati Uniti $ 0.5 - 9999 / Biċċa
  • Min.order Kwantità: 100 Biċċa / Biċċiet
  • Provvista Abilita: 10000 Biċċa / Biċċiet kull Xahar
  • Port: Shenzhen
  • Termini ta 'ħlas: L / C, D / A, D / P, T / T
  • Dettall tal-prodott

    design concept

    prodott Tags

    Bicycle Parts Bike Jockey karbonju Fiber rota 17T SE  Bicycle 'wara derailleur taljoli


    Deskrizzjoni tal-prodott

    * 12 / 17T gwida daqs sistema kbir super sett tar-roti

    * Tiffranka 45% reżistenza frizzjoni katina mqabbla ma 'roti gwida 11T "

    * Verżjoni ċeramika effett jiffranka aktar minn 2.2 watts ta 'qawwa medja meta mqabbla mas-sistema ta' trasmissjoni oriġinali

    * Gaġġa fibra tal-karbonju sħiħ

    * Sħiħ 7075 liga ta 'aluminju CNC qtugħ roti gwida ħfief u tat-titanju TC4 magħżel liga

    *Color: Anode red, enamel, blue, gold, green

    * 17TSE huwa adattat għall-ETAP SRAM

    * Verżjoni filwaqt ċeramika ibridi taċ-ċeramika Filwaqt azzar Verżjoni NSK verżjoni effett

    * Piż: 63 gramma

    * Il-verżjoni ċeramika huwa ta '1.2 gramma eħfef milli l-verżjoni effett azzar


     1.Different from other brands with eccentric designs, we designed these two products adopting the SRAM concentric design. The benefit of such design is that it won’t have any negative impact on neither the crisp shifting feel nor the tooth capability of the cassette nor 

    This is also the exact reason why Shimano ceased the production of 6800/9000 and upgraded their design to R8000/9100.

    Therefore, we choose 12T/17T over 17T/17T.

    Compared to original transmission system with 11T pulley, our products decrease friction resistance by 45%, ceramic bearing pulleys save more than 2.2 watts on average with each pedaling, increase shifting speed by 20-26%. Enhanced chain stability by implementing narrow-wide tooth upper pulley for more accurate and crisper shifting.


    2.Extended tooth for lower pulley, to prevent chains from coming off.

    One thing to clarify is that, it’s not wise to implement narrow-wide tooth to any situation.

    Yes, narrow-wide tooth provides better stability, but it is achieved at the cost of more friction resistance. As designers and manufacturers, we aim to be adaptable, to provide different products for different occasions, to suit your need best, not bragging a certain “high tech” which looks fancy but brings negative impact for your experience.


    3.Titanium alloy CNC shaft.

    To pursue the goal of lightweight, we overcame as many obstacles as possible, even it’s just for 2-4 grams of improvement. Shafts of products for ETAP and mechanical are both made of 6/4 titanium alloy. Even in original SRAM products, titanium shafts are only available with RED RD, not even ETAP, ETAP shafts are made of steel.


    4.Patent design for ultra-lightweight concentric upper pulley structure.

    One 7075CNC screw to fasten 7 pieces. Easy to maintain or customize while remain light and durable. 


    Għaliex jissostitwixxu derailleur roti taljola

    L-ewwelnett, poruż limitu pożizzjoni rebbiegħa tista 'taġġusta lura tensjoni aktar, ittejjeb id-dgħjufija ta' medda dgħajfa oriġinali, u jagħmlu l-up u 'l isfel tensjoni katina bejn rota gwida u snien ħafna aktar adegwat.

    It-tieni nett, in-numru tas-snien kuntatt jew kontroll numru snien bejn katina u snien tal 17T derailleur wara huwa aktar matul ċaqliq tagħmir, hija biss simili li oqros-nofs u żewġ naħat ta 'xi bsaten, l-akbar il-lieva ta' kontroll, l-aktar b'saħħitha l-poter ta 'kontroll.

    Fl-aħħarnett, wara disinn mill-ġdid kurva rotazzjoni tal-gaġġa, il-distanza bejn rota gwida fuq u l-snien hija mtejba.


    passi installazzjoni 

    18040739- 中 英文 说明书

    1. First, find the triangle cover in the back of etap rear derailleur

    18040739- 中 英文 说明书

    2. Remove the cover with 1.5mm hex wrench

    18040739- 中 英文 说明书

    3. Remove the cover

    18040739- 中 英文 说明书

    4. Find the steel part with a hole when remove the cover

    18040739- 中 英文 说明书

    5. Remove the steel part (CAUTION: When you remove the steel part is easy to spring out the whole pulley cage)

    18040739- 中 英文 说明书

    6. Remove the steel part you can see it is a micro fixed fork

    18040739- 中 英文 说明书

    7. Grease the titaniumaxle before assemblynew cage

    18040739- 中 英文 说明书

    8. Grease the spring before assembly new cage.

    18040739- 中 英文 说明书

    9. Find the hole that red arrow show in the picture and push Spring in

    18040739- 中 英文 说明书

    10. Clockwise rotate the cage and pushin to rear derailleur

    18040739- 中 英文 说明书

    11. Push all when make sure the positioning post right in the position

    18040739- 中 英文 说明书

    12. Reset the steel fixed fork in the triangle hole

    18040739- 中 英文 说明书

    13. Push the steel fixed fork right in the position

    18040739- 中 英文 说明书

    14. Reset the triangle cover

    18040739- 中 英文 说明书

    15. Fixed cover screw in 2N.m with 1.5mm hex wrench

    18040739- 中 英文 说明书

    16. Check out the cover is immoveable

    18040739- 中 英文 说明书


  • Preċedenti:
  • Li jmiss:

  • Concentric swing system.

    SRAM has been on a different path when it comes to RD design. While Shimano and CP prefer eccentric structure, SRAM chooses concentric structure. With eccentric RD structure, the RD shifting suffers from the length difference of chain between different FD positions. If there is no FD, eccentric design is just perfect for the impact from the shifting curve from cassette to the chain length change, just like what SRAM has done for 1X system, which fulfill both the need for speedy shifting and stability.

    The new Shimano DA9100 and R8000 are implementing concentric upper pulley design, which is just another example of the excellency of such design, the relatively fixed position of the upper pulley prevents negative impacts from both jumpy surface and FD shifting, ensures the accuracy and speed of RD shifting.

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