KTPL 12T Rear Derailleurs Pully manufacturers and suppliers | Kactus

KTPL 12t wara derailleurs Pully

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CNC Machined rear derailleur pulley jockey wheel for rear derailleur Product description   *12T narrow-wide tooth guide wheel weight: 11.4g  *Material: AL7075-T6 aluminum alloy CNC machining * installation size: 6MM/5MM/4MM  *outside diameter 50.3mm *Color: Anode red, enamel, blue, gold, titanium *Bearing: steel ball / forest / ceramic Palin  *Application scope: All conventional transmissions *This product is made of AL7075-T6 round bar CNC. It is finished with diamond knife and has a d...

  • FOB Prezz: Istati Uniti $ 0.5 - 9999 / Biċċa
  • Min.order Kwantità: 100 Biċċa / Biċċiet
  • Provvista Abilita: 10000 Biċċa / Biċċiet kull Xahar
  • Port: Shenzhen
  • Termini ta 'ħlas: L / C, D / A, D / P, T / T
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    prodott Tags

    CNC makna derailleur wara rota Jockey taljola għall derailleur wara


    Deskrizzjoni tal-prodott


    * Piż rota 12t dejqa kollha gwida sinna: 11.4g 

    * Materjal: liga ta 'aluminju AL7075-T6 magni CNC

    * Daqs installazzjoni: 6MM / 5mm / 4MM 

    *outside diameter 50.3mm

    * Kulur: anodu aħmar, enamel, blu, deheb, titanju

    * Filwaqt: ballun / foresta / ċeramika Palin 

    * Ambitu Applikazzjoni: trasmissjonijiet konvenzjonali kollha

    * Dan il-prodott huwa magħmul minn AL7075-T6 tond bar CNC. Huwa lest ma 'sikkina djamant u għandha metall nisġa bħad-djamant. Id-dehra tal-prodott hija eċċellenti. Tadotta l-Ġappuniż inforra ballun azzar importati, ir-rotazzjoni m'għandha l-ebda reżistenza, li inaqqas ħafna l-reżistenza frizzjonali u ttejjeb l-effiċjenza riding. 


    Optimized narrow-wide tooth design, increasing shifting speed, decreasing friction resistance, enhancing chain stability, suppressing shifting noise.

    if you hear shifting noise from a narrow-wide tooth pulley louder than that from a normal tooth pulley, it’s most likely caused by poor design of tooth angle or poor process. Just remember, noise is not good, the lower the noise the better. 


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