wheel Rear Derailleurs Baaskiilka khafiyad wheel jockey dhalista dhoobada
description Product
* Miisaanka wheel 14T guide ilig cidhiidhi oo dhan: 12g
* Waxyaabaha: daawaha aluminium AL7075-T6 CNC machining
* Size Rakibaadda: 6mm / 5mm / 4mm
*outside diameter 57.5mm
* Color: Anode cas, dhaldhalaalka, buluug ah, oo dahab ah, titanium
* Sita; kubad birta / dhalista / sita dhoobada dhoobada hybrid
* Baaxadda codsiga, waayo, giraangirta guide hoose ee gudbinta, fadlan isticmaal wheel guide ilig cidhiidhi oo dhan ka 12T la khafiyad this.
* Alaabta Tani laga sameeyey oo bar wareega AL7075-T6 CNC. Waa dhammaatay mindi diamond, ayaa texture biraha diamond-sida, iyo muuqaalka kore ee sheyga waa adkaysi u index khilaaf. All wanaagsan. Qabatinka keeno dahaarka kubad birta Japan, wareeg ah ayaa iska caabin ah ma, kaas oo si weyn u yaraynaysaa caabiga frictional iyo hagaajinaysaa oolnimada saaran gaadiid ah.
Optimized narrow-wide tooth design, increasing shifting speed, decreasing friction resistance, enhancing chain stability, suppressing shifting noise.
if you hear shifting noise from a narrow-wide tooth pulley louder than that from a normal tooth pulley, it’s most likely caused by poor design of tooth angle or poor process. Just remember, noise is not good, the lower the noise the better.
If your chain is rubbing against your cage after installing larger pulleys, just remove or re-shape the cage, shown as below.