18TX Oversized pulley wheel System manufacturers and suppliers | Kactus

18TX System kabayang Oversized katrol

18TX Oversized katrol kabayang System Artikel Gambar

Pondok Description:

14/18T Oversized pulley system   Save up to more than 60% chain friction resistance Ceramic bearing version save over 2.4 watts on average, compared to original transmission. shifting speed increased by 20%-26%. Color: Anode red, enamel, blue, gold, green Full carbon fiber cage Full 7075 aluminum alloy CNC lightweight pulley   18TX suitable for SHIMANO XTR/XT/SLX M9000/M8000/M7000GS/M6000GS  SS RD convert to SGS RD Ceramic bearing version hybrid ceramic bearing version NSK steel be...

  • FOB Harga: US $ 0,5 - 9.999 / Piece
  • Min.Order kuantitas: 100 Piece / Potongan
  • Suplai Kamampuhan: 10000 Piece / Potongan per Bulan
  • Port: Shenzhen
  • Sarat pembayaran: L / C, D / A, D / P, T / T
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    6.2_ 副本

    14 / 18T Sistim katrol Oversized


    Simpen nepi ka daya tahan ranté gesekan leuwih ti 60%

    Vérsi bearing keramik ngahemat leuwih 2.4 watt rata-rata, dibandingkeun transmisi aslina.

    shifting speed increased by 20%-26%.

    Color: Anode red, enamel, blue, gold, green

    kandang serat karbon pinuh

    Pinuh alloy 7075 aluminium katrol lightweight CNC


    18TX cocog pikeun SHIMANO XTR / XT / SLX M9000 / M8000 / M7000GS / M6000GS 

    SS RD ngarobah kana SGS RD

    Vérsi bearing keramik hibrid Vérsi bearing keramik NSK baja Vérsi bearing

    Beurat: 56g

    Vérsi keramik weighs 1.2g kirang.


    The brand-new lotus tooth process provides extra light weight with improved chain stabilizing capability, compared to traditional narrow-wide tooth process.

    Forging from an entire piece of 7075 aluminum, the lotus process minimizes the thickness of the pulley for lighter weight, while leaving the wider tooth thicker for enhanced performance.


    The lotus tooth process, named after its complex angle design, decrease the contact area between the tooth and the chain, less contact, less friction. furthermore, the said contact point is where grease, dust and mud accumulate, with inclined angle instead of right-angle, lotus tooth process also helps pushing these friction and damaging factors out, maintaining the chain at optimal performance state.


    For Shimano MTB series, the upper pulley implements an optimized 14t lotus design, with more complex curve angle and tooth shape, preventing abnormal chain movement while shifting which is commonly found in cassette extension modifications, i.e. 46T to 50T, resulting lower noise and friction, and faster smoother shifting experience.


    Naha ngaganti derailleur katrol

    Kahiji, ngaganti nu pulleys aslina jeung ieu bakal ngaronjatkeun manteng lemah tina set aslina, sarta sangkan luhur jeung ka handap tegangan ranté antara pituduh kabayang na cogs leuwih nyukupan.

    Kadua, jumlah huntu kontak atanapi kontrol huntu antara ranté sarta cogs of 17T téh leuwih salila shifting gear, beuki kontak, anu kuat daya kontrol.

    Katilu, sanggeus redesign kurva rotasi kandang urang, jarak antara kabayang pituduh luhur jeung cogs geus ningkat.

    carita panjang pondok, jeung sagala fitur didadarkeun di luhur, Anjeun bakal ngahemat 2.2 watt atawa leuwih mibanda unggal pedaling. Éta teh sarua cukur 100g off sapédah 10KG.

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